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Amazon Belgium – The 21st Amazon Marketplace

amazon belgium

Amazon has just announced plans to open its virtual doors within Belgium with its own dedicated marketplace, Amazon.com.be. It seemed there were problems in obtaining the address Amazon.be which has been occupied for years by a Belgian insurance company. Nonetheless, Amazon.com.be is here and soon-to-be ready for the Belgium market.

When will this happen?

Officially, Amazon has stated that Amazon Belgium will be launched within the next coming months. However, leaked documents that Business Insider gathered say that the marketplace will be launched this September.

Expansion within Belgium

Amazon also announced earlier in the year that Belgium will have its own logistics centre based in Antwerp. This is due to be built before the end of 2022. Amazon currently uses local couriers within Belgium but now with the announcement of its new marketplace and planned fulfilment centre, it seems the company will be using its own shipping network.

Amazon Prime will also be available at the time of launch. Consumers who currently have Prime membership through neighbouring European countries will be able to continue it through Amazon Belgium.

What does this mean for sellers?

Along with amazon.com.be, Amazon has also created sell.amazon.com.be where selling partners can register their business to become an Amazon seller whether this is FBA or FBM.

Up until this announcement, Belgian buyers had to purchase Amazon products through amazon.fr (France), amazon.de (Germany) & amazon.nl (Netherlands). In 2021, this accounted for over $447 million dollars in total across the 3 marketplaces which will now more than likely be seen within Amazon Belgium.

Further plans

Amazon has an enormous expansion plan in place where in 2023, the company plans to expand into another 4 countries: Chile, Columbia, Nigeria and South Africa.

The eCommerce giant is continuing to grow with expected revenue to jump more than double by 2025 so if you’re thinking about setting up an Amazon business or already an Amazon selling veteran, now is the time to take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

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Ronan White
Ronan White
SEO and content marketing executive at Repricer. Loves cycling, cinema, a few beers and all things outdoors.
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