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5 Best Shopify Stores to Draw Inspiration From in 2022

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Shopify Stores

Maybe you’re getting tired of only selling on Amazon and want to branch out elsewhere, like on Shopify. But with a different interface and learning curve, it can be tough to get started. Repricer.com has profiled some of the best Shopify stores out there, as well as included tips in what you need to strive for the same level of success.

1. Taylor Stitch

Everyone knows that mobile-first is the way to go, and Taylor Stitch exemplifies that better than most. It’s incredibly easy to shop there when on a phone or tablet, with easy-to-find buttons and an intuitive path through categories and sub-categories.

Taylor Stitch

What you can do: Keep the background image clean, simple and eye-catching; include a CTA to motivate them to sign up; go light on the details and features (value essential over nice-to-have); showcase a sample list of products; include a chat function that’s large-ish, tucked away in a corner and easily recognizable.

2. Unconditional

Unconditional does things fairly similarly to Taylor Stitch, with a carousel of sample products and a simple, minimalist design. They have categories at the top that neatly organize their products, but you can also scroll down the page to check out what’s on sale for men and women.


What you can do: Design your page on the cleaner, sparser side and avoid clutter; show models wearing or using your products; have category headers at the top (get tough on yourself to decide which ones are the most crucial ones; don’t list categories for every single type of product — group them together).


This shop has the usual clean-yet-thorough design, but one thing UNTUCKit does that most stores don’t is use a trusted referral program to build traffic, trust and loyalty — they offer you a discount if you refer a friend — called Swell, but you can also use Smile.io or ReferralCandy, too.


What you can do: Offer a good incentive for signing up, especially if asking users to refer their own friends and family (and make sure the original user gets one, too); make the referral process as simple as possible; use a trusted referral app that’s Shopify-compatible.

4. Pipcorn

Popcorn lovers are a dedicated breed — just ask Steph Curry about his popcorn habit. Most popcorn-eaters will tell you there are probably healthier snacks to be had, but they just love the taste too much to give it up.

That’s right up Pipcorn’s alley, as, despite explaining their popcorn is non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free and whole-grain in their About Us section, they focus on the taste and family-backed aspect of the business instead.


What you can do: Whatever your story is for starting your Shopify store, own it! It’s what makes you different and helps gain appeal to a loyal customer base, which is difficult to do when so many brands seem the same.

5. Marc Wenn

The London-based Marc Wenn has a rocking Shopify store because it lays out, on the homepage, exactly what will reassure buyers: how to get free shipping, 30-day money-back guarantee, and a try-now-pay-later offer.

Plus, they’ve sorted their feature products into Most Wanted, New Arrival and Best Seller, giving buyers the option to shop based on their own preferences.

Marc Wenn

What you can do: Whatever extra features you have (free shipping, global shipping, free refunds, etc.), put that front and centre on your homepage. Keep the theme going on other pages that showcase the little things you do to make the shopping experience easier and better for buyers.

Final thoughts

Of course, the best-designed Shopify page — or any other store on whatever platform you prefer — doesn’t count for much if you don’t have the competitive pricing to back it up.

Luckily, Repricer.com can help with this, enabling you to set up custom pricing rules designed to give you maximum profit on sales across Amazon, Shopify and many more channels. Get started today with your free 14-day trial – no credit card required.

 12 Best Shopify Apps For Your Shopify Store in 2020

Chris Dunne
Chris Dunne
Digital Marketing Manager @ Repricer.com
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