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The Buy Box Predictor

One of our most popular innovations to win you more Buy Boxes is the Buy Box Predictor, available in the Plus and Ultimate packages.

The Buy Box Predictor is our own proprietary algorithm which aims to reverse engineer how the Amazon Buy Box works. You can read another help centre article with details on how the Buy Box works.

How it works

We analyse every single price change and competitor across all your inventory. Every change is analysed INSTANTLY and we assess how likely you are to win the Buy Box compared to your competitors.

XSellco Buy Box Predictor

The following are the factors we assess in our algorithm for assessing your likelihood of winning the Buy Box:

What we compare Why we analyse it
Feedback count Larger sellers who are well established (and therefore have a large feedback score) will be favoured in winning the buy box
Feedback percentage Giving good customer care will give a higher feedback percentage. The closer you are to 100% (the score Amazon give themselves!) the more likely you are to win the buy box.
Fulfilment Method The Buy Box favours Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) over Fulfilled By Merchant (FBM). This typically results in FBA listings being able to maintain the Buy Box with significantly higher pricing
Expedited Shipping If the listing is Fulfilled by Merchant and you offer expedited shipping as an option, it increases the likelihood of you winning the Buy Box
Time to Despatch The length of time you or your competitor take to despatch an item. The quicker the despatch the more favourable in helping you win the Buy Box
Despatched From Where the item is despatched from influenced the winning of the Buy Box. For example a seller located in Italy shipping to the UK has a slight disadvantage in winning the Buy Box

Each of these is scored in our algorithm, and is given a weighting which helps decide the probability of you winning the Buy Box.

For example, the FBA weighting has the affect of reducing the price against a Merchant Fulfilled listing, making them more likely to win the buy box even with a higher price. We are processing millions of data points every day in deciding these probabilities and we will be continuing to refine and improve this tool. Our goal is that it helps you focus on the products where you can change your strategy and win more buy box.

It should be used with a range of other tools such as our historical Buy Box trending tool to assess the effectiveness of your pricing strategy. One caveat to note for our book seller customers, this feature does display for products in the book category even though only Amazon can win the Buy Box. is the ultimate Amazon repricing software available, enabling you to react instantly to changes in the marketplace and stay ahead of your competitors. Start a free trial today and win the Buy Box.

Graham Ó Maonaigh
Graham Ó Maonaigh
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