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What Are the Top Features to Look for in an Amazon Repricer?

Amazon repricing featues

Would you run a 100-meter sprint with one shoe or enter a bike race with a flat tyre? Unless you’re using the best Amazon repricer, that’s what you’re doing — giving your competitors an instant advantage.

All Amazon repricers are not equal. The best ones automate the process while taking full advantage of the seller’s knowledge and experience. In this post, we’ll explore repricing rules and advanced repricing features, and how to use them to make more profit on Amazon.

Rules for Amazon Repricers

1. Amazon Repricing for FBA and non-FBA

Define how much above or below other types of sellers you wish to compete. FBA merchants can compete with other FBA sellers only and ignore non-FBA, or price above them. Using rules, FBA sellers can maximize the profit on each sale by pricing above the self-fulfilled, while still having a strong chance of winning the Buy Box because Amazon favours FBA.

2. Feedback Ratings and Amazon Repricers

Feedback score is another way to compete. It’s easy to find your seller rating and percentage, as well as that of other sellers. Feedback is a key differentiator for buyers in that it’s used to compare sellers and make buying decisions. You can choose to compete with sellers in your range and rule out sellers you either can’t or don’t need to compete with.

3. Domestic vs Foreign 

With buyer preferences in mind, an effective Amazon repricing tool can be programmed to overlook overseas sellers and only compete with domestic traders. Choose to price higher than a foreign merchant. Many buyers are more likely to purchase from a domestic seller so it can be worth pricing above international competitors to get that extra margin.

Advanced Amazon Repricer Rules

4. Competitor Stock Level

This is the option for sellers to compete against people who are in stock or not. Program your Amazon repricer to price above the out-of-stock seller. For example, if your competitors go out of stock you can set a rule that automatically jumps certain products up to the max price so you are guaranteed to win the Buy Box at your highest price.

5. Repricing for Amazon Stock Age

Stock rules also apply to your old stock that’s taking up shelf space by encouraging the sale of stagnant inventory. Plug in the number of stock days to apply a more aggressive pricing strategy after a certain period of time. For example, if you’ve had inventory for 50-plus days, you might want to drop the price of it.

6. Use to Target Specific Merchants

This rule is essential when it comes to beating your competitors —without them knowing! Whether it’s because they drive your prices down or jump on your listings, or they’re one of the few real competitors in your niche, every seller will have a rival that springs to mind.

You first paste the Merchant ID of any specific sellers you would like to include or ignore. Include one Merchant ID per line. To find the Merchant ID, go to your competitor’s storefront on Amazon and copy the string of letters and numbers in front of “seller=” in the URL.

Merchant ID amazon repricer

You must choose the conditions that suit the specific ‘Repricing Rule’ and then click ‘Create Competitor Rule.’ Ultimately, these conditions enable you to sell to your strengths by targeting your competitors’ weaknesses.


Develop an Amazon Repricing Strategy That Puts You in Control

7. Schedule Your Amazon Repricer

You won’t want every rule to be applied to a product all the time. You may, for example, want to only reprice certain SKUs below a certain level or sell them at a specific time, such as weekdays or over the weekend. Set rules to take advantage of times with both high and low volumes of sales—and even do it while you sleep! Use your analytics to spot peak selling times and make sure your pricing strategy is on point at the right time to maximize your sales potential.

8. Replicate Amazon Repricing

Do you sell on other marketplaces like eBay? If so, replicate your Amazon prices to your equivalent eBay listings. Choose to replicate them exactly or set them to be a percentage or value above the Amazon price. You decide how this works on a product by product basis. Replicate your Amazon prices on your website for price parity across channels.

9. Net Margin Repricing on Amazon

Net margin repricing prevents you from selling products at a loss. Every single cost associated with a product can be entered into the repricer and used to automatically calculate the minimum selling price. Net margin repricing allows you to identify and eliminate unprofitable sales.

Start Using the Fastest Amazon Repricer Today is the ultimate Amazon repricing software available, enabling you to react instantly to changes in the marketplace and stay ahead of your competitors.

Start your free trial today and win more Buy Box. No credit card needed.

Chris Dunne
Chris Dunne
Digital Marketing Manager @
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