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10 BQool Repricer Alternatives

bqool repricer alternatives

If you’re exploring Amazon repricing options, as a newcomer or seasoned seller, you might have heard of BQool—a well-known player in this sector. However, it’s important to consider that alternatives might be more aligned with your business requirements.

Despite BQool’s claim as the optimal repricing solution for all Amazon sellers, it might not always be the best fit. Here are some points to consider:

  • BQool supports 9 out of the 21 Amazon marketplaces, which may not cover the marketplace you sell on.
  • The cost can escalate quickly depending on the number of listings and marketplaces you operate in, as there are additional charges per marketplace you add.
  • BQool lacks integration with other selling platforms like eBay, Shopify, Walmart, WooCommerce, and Magento, which could be a limitation if you use these other sales channels.

Top 10 BQool Alternatives

Below, we have put together a list of top alternatives to BQool for Amazon repricing that could significantly enhance your repricing strategy.

  • Repricer.com
  • Aura
  • Informed.co
  • Sellersnap
  • Channel Max
  • Multiply
  • Feedvisor
  • Street Pricer
  • Profit Protector Pro
  • Amazon Automate


repricer dashboard

Repricer.com offers a comprehensive repricing solution tailored for all types of sellers, including resellers, dropshippers, and private-label sellers. With a variety of repricing strategies available, it can help you boost your sales and increase your profits, no matter your business model.

React to price changes in an instant with Super-Fast Repricing

Repricer’s unrivalled Amazon-hosted processing power means your price changes are done in seconds. So when a competitor changes price, runs out of stock, or ratings fall, Repricer recalculates and immediately uploads your new price based on your chosen strategy.

Repricing features that get you the Buy Box

Price is a critical factor in securing the coveted Buy Box on Amazon. To remain competitive in Amazon’s increasingly challenging market, regular repricing of your products is key. Repricer provides unique features that enable you to not only target the Buy Box but also maintain your hold on it for extended periods. Additionally, Repricer can incrementally increase your price, ensuring you maximize profits with every sale.

Saves time with 24/7 Repricing Automation

Repricer monitors competitor price changes across your entire inventory and makes intelligent decisions on how to react. This not only helps you to maintain a competitive edge but also saves valuable time, freeing you up to concentrate on other vital aspects of your business.

Specifically target by seller, feedback rating, stock level & many more

Repricer gives you the flexibility to fine-tune your competition and repricing strategies for your products. With a range of options available, you can set the ideal price for your products based on a variety of factors you select, ensuring optimal pricing for your business needs.

Reprice based on your sales or orders

Sales-based repricing, as implied by its name, enables you to adjust the prices of your products in response to your sales volume, instead of basing it on competitor pricing. This approach allows you to capitalize on market fluctuations by increasing prices during high sales periods and reducing them when sales dip. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to implement up to 20 different parameters in your sales rule, including percentage changes, choosing whether to increase or decrease prices, and specifying the duration for each rule’s application.

Reprice Against Alternative ASIN’s

In some circumstances, the same product, or a very similar one may be available on an alternative ASIN. Standard Repricing does not take these other similar products into account as they are listed on their own independent ASINs. Cross ASIN Repricing breaks down the barrier between ASINs and lets you reprice against sellers on other ASINs. Using Repricer, you can strategically set your prices to compete against up to five other sellers across different ASINs.

For private-label sellers who face no direct competition, utilizing Sales and Cross-ASIN repricing strategies can be highly effective in boosting profits.

Only go live with prices when you are ready

Safe Mode lets you see repricing in action without affecting live prices.

Repricer analyzes competitor price changes and calculates your new selling price safely within Repricer, no live prices are uploaded to Amazon or eBay.

It’s especially useful for anyone new to Repricer as your account has Safe Mode automatically turned on. 

When you’re ready, you can ‘Go Live’ to push your prices live to Amazon or eBay.

Safe Mode can also be applied at channel level allowing you to adjust your repricing strategies at any stage and see the results without impacting live pricing.

See all your recent Feedback

feedback within repricer

Winning the Amazon Buy Box often hinges on excellent feedback, a crucial metric. Repricer provides a clear overview of your recent feedback, displaying your rating, the number of positive and negative reviews, and offers the convenience of sending automated review requests. This new feature allows you to easily monitor and enhance your Amazon feedback profile.

Trial: 14-day free trial

Price: Express plan starts at $85 per month

Learn more about Repricer:


aura repricer dashboard

Aura has recently updated its repricing dashboard, featuring an elegant, sleek black design.

While Aura provides sophisticated repricing capabilities focused on competitor pricing, it is important to note that these functionalities are limited to certain Amazon marketplaces. Some marketplaces in Europe and Asia are not supported. With the basic plan, you can reprice up to 1,000 listings. However, for larger volumes, the price increases significantly to $497 per month. Aura is likely most suitable for sellers who operate exclusively on Amazon and manage a smaller number of listings.

Trial: 14 days

Price: Basic plan starts at $97 per month

Informed (formerly Appeagle)

informed co repricer

Informed, previously known as Appeagle, is a distinguished name in the repricing software arena. It offers sellers the ability to reprice in 15 Amazon marketplaces using competitor-based strategies, and also supports private-label sellers in maximizing their profits.

Unlike other repricing tools that use SKU-based pricing models, Informed employs a revenue-based pricing structure. This means that your cost for using their services increases with your sales and revenue. Pricing starts at $99 per month for businesses with up to $10,000 in monthly revenue, and goes up to $199 per month for higher earnings.

While Informed’s pricing model might pose a challenge for businesses looking to expand and scale, the decision ultimately depends on your specific business needs and budget constraints.

Trial: 14 days

Price: Starts at $99 per month


seller snap repricer

SellerSnap distinguishes itself with its unique game theory-driven approach to repricing. This strategy enables sellers on the same ASIN to collaborate, preventing a price war and ensuring each seller remains competitive while maintaining profitable price points.

They offer competitor-based repricing in 18 Amazon marketplaces, with the added feature of syncing these prices with Walmart.

SellerSnap’s basic pricing plan involves a 6-month commitment at $250 per month, but this plan limits users to connecting with just one marketplace. If a seller’s average sales exceed $25,000 by the end of this period, they must upgrade to more expensive plans, starting at a minimum of $500 per month.

Similar to informed.co, SellerSnap’s pricing structure might not be the most suitable for sellers looking to expand their business without incurring significant additional costs.

Trial: 15 days

Price: Basic plan starts at $250 per month


channelmax repricer

ChannelMax stands out as one of the most established Amazon repricing tools in the market. It provides competitor-based repricing and specialized strategies for private-label sellers in 10 Amazon marketplaces. Additionally, ChannelMax offers the capability to sync your Amazon prices with Walmart.

While ChannelMax is rich in repricing functionalities, it may fall short in terms of design and user appeal. However, for small sellers who are just beginning their journey, ChannelMax is an excellent starting point. It allows you to reprice up to 500 listings at a very competitive price, making it a practical choice for small growing businesses.

Trial: 30 days

Price: Starts at £34.99 per month


multiply repricer

Multiply stands out with its extensive integrations, including Amazon and other channels like Bol.com, Back Market, Blokker, CDiscount, and more, allowing connections to up to 8 different marketplaces. However, it primarily focuses on competitor-based repricing, similar to BQool, which might not be as advantageous for private-label sellers since it lacks options for sales-based or alternative ASIN repricing.

One drawback of Multiply is its shorter 7-day free trial, compared to other services like Repricer, which offers a 14-day free trial. This limited period may not be sufficient for sellers to observe significant changes in sales or profits.

For those selling in various European marketplaces, Multiply could be a suitable repricing solution due to its strong European market integrations. However, it might not be the best fit for U.S. sellers, particularly those also active on Walmart or eBay, as it currently does not support integrations with these platforms.

Trial: 7 days

Price: Basic plan starts at $160 per month


feedvisor amazon repricer

Feedvisor is a versatile platform that provides comprehensive repricing capabilities tailored for both resellers and brand or private-label sellers.

The platform excels in its standard competitor-based repricing functionality, enabling sellers to precisely target the Buy Box and compete effectively against specific sellers with detailed strategies.

For brand sellers, Feedvisor introduces a unique feature called ProductSphere. This functionality closely mirrors the alternative ASIN repricing offered by Repricer, allowing brand or private-label sellers to increase their profits by strategically competing with sellers who have similar products.

Trial: 14 days

Price: Starts at $100 per month


streetpricer amazon repricer

Streetpricer is tailored for sellers operating across multiple sales channels. It offers repricing capabilities for Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, making it an ideal choice for multichannel sellers seeking dedicated repricing tools for each platform.

If you are managing sales on one or two marketplaces, Streetpricer could be a beneficial option. However, for larger sellers active on multiple marketplaces, it’s important to note that Streetpricer restricts users to a maximum of four marketplaces and ten stores, which might not be sufficient for more expansive sellers.

Trial: 14 days

Price: Basic plan starts at $49 per month

Amazon Automate

amazon automate repricer

You might already be aware that Amazon offers its own repricing tool within Seller Central, and unlike other repricing solutions listed here, it’s available completely free to sellers. However, the absence of a price tag comes with limitations in functionality and performance.

One of the main drawbacks of Amazon’s repricer is its basic competition settings. It offers only a limited range of price/reprice comparison options, restricting the depth to which sellers can tailor their competition and repricing strategies.

Another significant limitation is the tool’s response to competitor price changes. When a competitor adjusts their price, Amazon’s repricer often automatically reduces your price to the minimum, inadvertently fueling a price war among sellers – resulting in a loss in profits.

For sellers looking to leverage more sophisticated and advanced repricing strategies, Amazon Automate might not be the ideal choice.

Price: Free


profit protecter pro repricer

Profit Protector Pro, a renowned Amazon repricing tool, supports 11 different marketplaces. It comes equipped with 12 pre-set repricing strategies, each specifically designed to assist sellers in winning the Buy Box. Additionally, it allows you to create custom strategies, all focusing on competitor-based repricing. However, it’s important to note that Profit Protector Pro does not offer functionalities specifically tailored for private-label or brand sellers.

Trial: 14 days

Price: Starts at $49.95 per month

How do I choose the right repricer for me?

BQool stands out as one of the market leaders due to its competitive repricing capabilities, equipped with a host of features designed to optimize pricing for winning the Buy Box.

However, it’s worth mentioning that BQool’s user interface, along with the terminology used in its repricing features, can be quite overwhelming and potentially daunting for users. This complexity may pose a challenge to sellers who are new to repricing or even those with some experience in the field. Additionally, users might find themselves paying for many features that they may not necessarily need or use.

Amazon Repricer Checklist

How many SKU’s do you have?

The quantity of SKUs you manage plays a crucial role in determining the type of repricer that best suits your needs for effective management and repricing.

For a smaller SKU count, specifically more than 500, any of the repricing tools we’ve discussed can assist you in establishing a competitive repricing strategy.

However, when dealing with a larger number of SKUs, you might require a more robust solution capable of handling the increased volume of repricing events that occur in the background.

How do you want to compete?

Are you aiming primarily at winning the Buy Box, or do you need to dive deeper and target specific factors such as seller identity, stock quantity, or feedback rating?

While most repricing tools mainly concentrate on the Buy Box, Repricer.com offers more. It not only focuses on securing the Buy Box but also enables you to develop a highly specific repricing strategy. This approach is tailored to optimize sales and give you a competitive edge over others in your market.

How many marketplaces do you sell on?

Make sure to verify which marketplaces are supported by the repricing tool you choose. Amazon operates in a total of 21 marketplaces, but BQool currently supports only 9 of these. While these include the core marketplaces, if you’re already selling in or planning to expand into other markets such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Australia, or Belgium, BQool won’t be able to accommodate these. On the other hand, Repricer is compatible with all 21 Amazon marketplaces.

What type of seller are you? (Reseller or Private-Label)

Every Amazon repricing tool provides competitor-based repricing, which is particularly beneficial for resellers. However, for some tools, this is the extent of their capabilities. A select few, including Repricer.com, go a step further by offering sales-based and alternative ASIN repricing. These features are not only advantageous for resellers, helping them maximize their profit potential, but they are especially valuable for Private-Label sellers. Since Private-Label or brand sellers don’t face direct competition, these advanced repricing strategies enable them to garner more profit from each sale.

These are just a few things to consider when choosing your Amazon repricer.

For those aiming to rapidly expand their business and require detailed control over their competitive strategies, opting for a more advanced repricing tool is advisable. Repricer.com provides a 14-day free trial, allowing you to experience firsthand how it can accelerate your sales growth and enhance your profit margins.

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Ronan White
Ronan White
SEO and content marketing executive at Repricer. Loves cycling, cinema, a few beers and all things outdoors.
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