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Product Update – June 2023

product update June 2023

As we pass the midpoint of 2023, the dedicated team here at Repricer takes pride in what we have achieved in the past 6 months. We have reached significant milestones aimed at enhancing our product’s efficiency and user-friendliness, ultimately providing our customers with a seamless repricing experience.

Through extensive user research and valuable feedback from our customers, we delved deep into their minds to understand their genuine needs and desires. These invaluable insights has inspired us to generate and implement excellent ideas that are now becoming a reality.

So, without further ado, let’s delve into the exciting progress we’ve made and explore the ongoing endeavours that drive us forward.

Refreshed Repricing Rule Screen

refreshed repricing rule screen

Our rule screen has undergone a complete makeover, introducing a plethora of improvements to the user interface (UI) that enhance the overall user experience. A notable enhancement includes transitioning from a dropdown menu to a tab-based approach for changing different rule types. This change significantly improves visibility, enabling users to easily explore and understand the distinct kinds of rules available.

In addition, we have introduced a range of supplementary features that provide customers with valuable insights through rule-specific mini dashboards. These dashboards offer crucial statistics and information about the rule’s performance, empowering users to make informed decisions. This revamped design proves invaluable for quickly assessing and comparing the effectiveness of repricing rules, enabling customers to identify and implement the most successful strategies tailored to their specific needs.

Overall, this UI overhaul, coupled with the introduction of rule-specific dashboards, provides a highly efficient and intuitive experience. Users can now effortlessly evaluate and compare the performance of their repricing rules, enabling them to identify the most effective approaches and update their strategies accordingly.

Repricing Rule Quick References

repricing rules quick references

In the rule screen, we have implemented an overview of the repricing rule settings that now offer a more contextual and user-friendly presentation. Instead of simply displaying numbers, the settings have been intelligently structured to provide a clearer understanding of the rule configuration. This update allows customers to quickly grasp all the applied settings for each specific rule, providing a comprehensive and concise overview of their repricing strategies.

Proactive Repricer

Our newly introduced Proactive Repricer utilizes our current pull repricer functionality with a distinct advantage. It takes a proactive approach by automatically reaching out to Amazon every 72 hours in the absence of a repricing event. This feature is now accessible to our customers who manage up to 50,000 SKUs, providing them with enhanced control over their repricing strategies.

By periodically engaging with Amazon, the Proactive Repricer ensures that pricing updates are consistently applied, even when no natural repricing event occurs. This proactive functionality enables sellers to maintain optimal pricing and competitiveness in the dynamic e-commerce landscape, resulting in improved sales and customer engagement.

Personalised Onboarding

We are excited to announce significant updates to our onboarding process, designed to highlight the dedication of our exceptional team in providing unwavering support and guidance to our valued customers. Our primary goal is to convey a sense of trust, assuring our customers that their repricing needs are in capable hands.

During the Repricer onboarding journey, customers will experience a personalized touch, showcasing our commitment to their success. They will have access to a helpful video featuring their own repricing expert, who will guide them through the account setup process.

personalised videos from our repricing experts

Additionally, we have incorporated quick testimonials from satisfied customers who have already achieved remarkable success with Repricer. By creating this welcoming and personable experience, we aim to foster a strong customer connection and understanding, recognizing that entrusting another company with pricing strategy is a significant step for any business.

What’s Coming Next?

Amazon Feedback Insights

feedback rating insight

As an Amazon seller, you are undoubtedly aware of the crucial role feedback plays in your metrics, including winning the Buy Box and ultimately driving sales and profits. At Repricer, we are committed to equipping our customers with the most valuable knowledge and data to optimize their pricing strategies. That’s why we are thrilled to announce that we are currently working on incorporating this highly valuable insight directly into the Repricer dashboard.

This insightful feature will provide a comprehensive overview of customers’ feedback ratings, both positive and negative, as well as their feedback trends over the past 14 days. By presenting this data in a clear and easily accessible manner, customers will be able to assess their feedback performance at a glance, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding repricing strategies.

For instance, if you possess a consistently high feedback rating ranging from very good to excellent, you can leverage this advantage by adjusting your prices accordingly. Instead of competing with sellers who may have poor feedback, you can increase your prices while still securing the Buy Box. Amazon recognizes reputable businesses with good standing, allowing you to maintain your position and attract customers who prioritize reliable sellers.

This forthcoming feature aims to provide you with valuable insights to shape your pricing strategy, optimize your performance, and enhance your overall success as an Amazon seller.

Cross ASIN Repricing

new cross asin repricing

At Repricer.com, we are set to revolutionize the way Amazon sellers approach repricing with the introduction of our powerful new feature, Cross ASIN Repricing. This innovative feature will allow sellers to overcome the challenges by specifying alternative ASINs they want to reprice against, keeping them competitive across a broader range of products.

With Cross-ASIN repricing, you will now have the ability to reprice against up to 5 alternative ASINs, expanding your competitive landscape beyond your specific ASIN.

cross asin repricing in app

Traditionally, repricing has been limited to products within your own ASIN. However, with Cross-ASIN repricing, you can now enter a collection of ASINs per product, allowing you to effectively reprice against those ASINs. This breakthrough feature presents a remarkable opportunity for private-label sellers or those with limited competition on their specific ASIN. It is particularly advantageous for sellers who offer a diverse range of products or operate in niches where similar, albeit not identical, products exist.

We are delighted to announce that the launch of Cross-ASIN repricing is scheduled for the end of August. Stay tuned for this highly anticipated release, as it will open up new avenues for dynamic repricing and empower you to maximize your competitiveness in the market.

See our full blog post on Cross-ASIN Repricing.

Dedicated Onboarding for Competition-Based or Sales-Based Repricing

competition or sales onboarding screens

Finally, we believe in providing a tailored experience for each seller, and that starts right from the onboarding phase. We understand that every seller’s needs and competition levels vary, which is why we offer the flexibility to choose your preferred repricing approach.

During onboarding, sellers have the option to select either competition-based repricing or sales-based repricing, depending on their specific circumstances.

If you face significant competition, the competition-based repricing route would be suitable, allowing you to adjust your prices dynamically based on market conditions. On the other hand, if you have minimal or no competition, the sales-based repricing route offers a more strategic approach, focusing on optimizing sales and maximizing profits.

It’s important to note that these choices don’t restrict your ability to customize your repricing rules within the app. You have full control to tailor your repricing strategies according to your unique business requirements. These screens serve as a quick reference and guide, providing valuable insights on the most important repricing methods that align with your business goals.

At Repricer, our goal is to empower sellers with flexibility and choice, ensuring that our platform adapts to your specific needs, regardless of the level of competition you face.

Unlock the potential of optimized pricing to maximize your sales. Experience Repricer firsthand with a risk-free 14-day free trial and start boosting your business today.

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Ronan White
Ronan White
SEO and content marketing executive at Repricer. Loves cycling, cinema, a few beers and all things outdoors.
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