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Product Update – February 2023

product update February 2023

We’re on the quest to make Repricer the best when it comes to meeting all of your repricing needs. The team has been hard at work here behind the scenes to continue to develop the functionality and usability of Repricer. Here are some of the new features we have released along with what we have planned over the next coming months, so let’s dive in.

Our Velocity Rules 2.0 is now live

We’ve updated our Product Screen with these exciting updates. You can now, at a glance, tell if your Velocity Rule was assigned manually or as part of your Repricing Rule.

If you have manually assigned a Velocity Rule to a product previously, you can also return it to the Repricing Rule settings using our new ‘Return to Rule Default’ Option.

velocity repricing rules

Ability to turn off Velocity Rules

Turn off Velocity Rule

Within the Product Screen, in the Velocity Repricing Rules dropdown select OFF to completely deactivate the Velocity Rule for that listing, even if the Velocity Rule has been assigned as part of your Repricing Rule.

Repricing Statuses

repricing statuses
repricing status

The Product Screen has been given an upgrade with our new-look Repricing Statuses.

Know at a glance if your listing is At Min, At Max, Lowest Priced, if you’re the Only Seller or when none of these statuses apply. Better yet, you can filter listings based on these statuses on both Amazon & eBay.

Updated Help Center

updated help center
help center video content

We have updated our Help Centre to provide you with everything you need to know about using Repricer to ensure yours is set up for total profitability.

All of our help files have been updated with video content to allow for a clearer visual understanding of Repricer.

Win the Amazon Buy Box eBook

how to win the amazon buy box ebook front cover

We launched our brand new eBook – How to Win the Amazon Buy Box.

It’s jam-packed full of crucial information and helpful tips on how you can win more Buy Boxes.

Grab your FREE copy today!

Check out some of our latest blogs

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What’s Next?

Rebrand & added features of Velocity Rules 2.0

We want to clearly define what this rule does and remove any confusion, so Velocity Rules will now be rebranded to ‘Sales Rules’. Along with this rebrand, there will be many new features added to it such as:

  • An updated velocity flow
  • Reprice based on Sales and Orders
  • New time controls
  • Psychological pricing

Customers that are currently using Velocity Rules will be automatically migrated over to our new design.

Net Margin Changes

Repricer’s Net Margin feature allows Repricer to calculate your Min/Max Prices based on your costs, fees, and desired margin. However, over the next month, we’ll be adding new popularly requested features including, but not limited to, VAT controls, overrides, and more hands-on calculations.

Amazon Small and Light Fees support

One of our most requested features, Amazon now allows us to download your FBA Small and Light fees. We’ll integrate these fees into Repricer to allow you to better benefit from this fee data to see profitability and fine-tune your use of our advanced Net Margin Calculator.

Ronan White
Ronan White
SEO and content marketing executive at Repricer. Loves cycling, cinema, a few beers and all things outdoors.
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