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What is Repricing Software and Why Do Amazon Sellers Need It?

What is repricing software?

For online shoppers, it’s easier than ever to compare prices. But even more importantly, Amazon knows customers want value and that’s why pricing is a key part of its Amazon Buy Box algorithm. Luckily, sellers can get ahead by using repricing software.

Repricing Software Explained

Amazon sellers are constantly adjusting their product prices to win the coveted Buy Box. Repricing software allows ecommerce merchants to automatically raise or lower their prices to beat their competition to win this lucrative position.

Price changes are executed automatically and instantly throughout the day, or during specified time periods.

Repricing is a delicate balancing act. You don’t want to cut into your profit margin with products that are too cheap or miss the Buy Box with products that are too expensive.

You also want to make sure your listings adhere to Amazon’s high standards. If Amazon finds out you are selling products cheaper on other marketplaces, they may suppress your listing.

Repricing software takes all these factors into consideration to ensure you set the optimal price to win the Buy Box, while also maximizing profits.

The Benefits of Repricing Software

Using repricing software supercharges your ability to price products competitively to win the Buy Box more often.

It offers much more precision and data than a manual repricing strategy ever could. Let’s take a closer look at the wide-ranging benefits that come with automated repricing software.

1. Winning the Amazon Buy Box

According to BigCommerce, 82% of sales on Amazon go through the Buy Box – and this figure is even higher on mobile devices. The Buy Box is the area where shoppers can ‘Add to cart’ or ‘Buy now’ with a single click, so it’s no wonder so many sales take place here.

An algorithm decides which seller wins the Amazon Buy Box. It takes price, sales volume, fulfillment type, feedback scores, and inventory depth into account.

Reprcing software helps you win the Amazon Buy Box
Repricing software is a critical tool for winning the Amazon Buy Box.

This is a lot to consider, but with repricing software you won’t have to worry about the pricing. Yours will be set to beat your competition at the optimal price, taking into account the competition you’re up against.

Once you own the much-coveted Amazon Buy Box, with you can incrementally increase your price to maximize profits.

2. Gives you higher profit margins

Repricing tools aren’t just about lowering prices. For example, the instant a competitor runs out of stock, will adjust your product’s price to maximize profits while maintaining your position in the Buy Box. It can also change pricing when you’re running low on an item too, or reset to you maximum level during certain periods in the day.

3. It grows with your business

If you’re trying to grow your eCommerce sales, manual repricing simply isn’t scalable. It will turn into a mammoth task as you add more products and ranges to your online offering. Automatic repricing software takes care of this by enabling you to adjust your pricing rules and limits in bulk.

4. Repricing software is extremely smart!

Repricing software uses multiple data points to improve your pricing strategy. It takes the level of your competitors into account and how likely your products are to win the Buy Box.

It will also identify when you should be increasing your price, during quiet periods or when a competitor goes out of stock.

With the Net Margin Repricing feature, enables sellers to avoid selling below their target profit margin. Taking costs into account, this means you can be safe in the knowledge that you will never sell at a loss.

High-quality repricing software will take multiple factors into account when setting your products’ prices.

5. It saves time and energy

Manual repricing wastes time which would be better spent elsewhere. Consider how long it would take to individually update prices and keep on top of what other sellers are doing. enables bulk uploads, which is the ultimate time-saver for growing ecommerce businesses.

6. Repricing software is super fast!

Speed is critical when using repricing software on Amazon. The quicker you can respond to changes in the competitive environment, the more time you will spend in the Buy Box. And the more time your product spends in the Buy Box, the more sales you will make – it’s as simple as that!

As the fastest automated repricing software, makes over 8,000 repricing events per second at peak times. The updates are pretty much real-time and this speedy response to pricing changes will make a huge difference to your sales figures.

7. Ensure consistency across platforms

When setting prices manually, inconsistencies across marketplaces and platforms are inevitable. Listings pile up, prices go unchecked and errors happen. This is serious for Amazon sellers because if they find out you’re selling a product cheaper elsewhere, you will have your listing suppressed.

With’s multichannel pricing feature, you can automatically replicate your prices on other marketplaces that you sell on. This ensures consistency across your product range with minimal effort.

Multichannel pricing’s multichannel pricing feature enables consisting pricing across marketplaces.

8. Access vital data and insights

Repricing software can offer users a wide range of insightful information at a glance. From price movements to top competitors, these metrics provide everything you need to know to optimize your repricing strategy.

You’ll even be able to identify when you need a tailored strategy to outdo the competition and win the Amazon Buy Box. also offers insights that can inform other aspects of your business such as trends, risks, SKU insights and sales history.

Win the Amazon Buy Box and sell more. Sign up for a free 14-day trial today. No credit card needed.

Chris Dunne
Chris Dunne
Digital Marketing Manager @
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